24 Port Cat 6 FEEDTHRU Patch Panel 1RMSEliminate punching down UTP wires to the patch panelsQuick installation, no punch down requiredDesigned to support the distribution of voice, data, and audio needs in residential and commercial applicationsFeatures RJ-45-to-RJ-45 connection on both sides of the patch panelIdeal solution for consolidation point such as moves, adds, and changes (MACs)Designed to fit standard 19 wide racks and cabinetsRack mounted reinforced steel panel with pre-numbered portsFlush mount design adds stability by allowing a rigid fit and a neat finished appearance - 24 Port Cat 6 FEEDTHRU Patch Panel 1RMS - Eliminate punching down UTP wires to the patch panels - Quick installation, no punch down required - Designed to support the distribution of voice, data, and audio needs in residential and commercial applications - Features RJ-45-to-RJ-45 connection on both sides of the patch panel - Ideal solution for consolidation point such as moves, adds, and changes (MACs) - Designed to fit standard 19 wide racks and cabinets - Rack mounted reinforced steel panel with pre-numbered ports - Flush mount design adds stability by allowing a rigid fit and a neat finished appearance