Ultrastar DC HC520, previously known as Ultrastar He and part of our HC500 series of helium-filled hard drives. Designed to handle workloads up to 550TB per year, the Ultrastar DC HC520 is the industry?s first 12TB drive and uses traditional perpendicular magnetic recording PMR technology to make it dropin ready for any enterprise-capacity application or environment.
SAS 12Gb/s Capacity1 (TB)
SATA 6Gb/s Capacity1 (TB)
12TB Format: Sector size3 (bytes)
512 Max. Areal density(Gbits/sq. in.)
864 Data buffer4 (MB)
256 Rotational speed (RPM)
7200 Latency average (ms)
4.16 Interface transfer rate(MB/s, max)
600 Sustained transfer rate5(read/write, ms, typical)
243 (MiB/s, typical),255 (MB/s, typical) Seek time6(read/write, ms, typical)
8.0/8.6 Error rate(non-recoverable, bits read)
1 in 1015 Load/Unload cycles(at 40oC)
600,000 Availability(hrs/day x days/wk)
24x7 MTBF2 (M hours)
2.5 Annualized Failure Rate2 (AFR)
0.35% Idle (Bels, typical)
2.0/3.6 Requirement
+5 VDC, +12VDC Operating7 (W)
7.2 Idle8 (W)
HGST Hard Drive 0F30146 12TB 3.5 inch ES 7200RPM 256MB SATA 6Gb/s 512E SE Ultrastar He12Bare